Speaking to participants at the Young Leaders Program

The Maroondah Young Leaders program is a week-long intensive program that aims to increase confidence and leadership skills for up to thirty local Year 10 students.

Key topics covered in the program include:

  • Communication skills
  • Public speaking
  • Leadership
  • Assertiveness
  • Self awareness
  • Project management
  • Group processes
  • Confidence building
  • Conflict resolution

This afternoon I was invited to speak with the participants of the young leaders program, during a session where they discussed community projects and the role of Council.  As the current Mayor I discussed the Council decision making process, including the need for each Councillor’s opinion to be valued and appreciated.

I outlined the role of Mayor and Councillors, including the structure of wards and elections within the City of Maroondah.  Council’s priorities for the upcoming year include community infrastructure, as well as advancing the the revitalisation of Ringwood. One of the core roles of local government is to advocate on behalf of its residents.  The lack of public transport, as well as  the condition of Ringwood Station, were major concerns expressed by the participants of the young leaders program.

The students also discussed current projects being undertaken within the municipality, including the redevelopment of  Soccer facilities at Jubilee Park in Ringwood and the need for additional youth facilities within Ringwood.  In this regard, I discussed the importance of Jubilee Park as a major sporting and recreation precinct in Ringwood and mentioned that youth facilities will be developed in conjunction with the redevelopment of Ringwood as a Central Activities District.

The Young Leaders Program demonstrates that younger people in Maroondah are engaged and active members of our community.  The Young Leaders program concludes this Friday, where I will be presenting certificates to each of the participants.


  1. […] week is a credit to them and demonstrates their already established leadership qualities. I was a guest speaker at the program yesterday discussing local government, the role of Councillors and my what it means to be the […]

  2. […] the 6th of May I spoke with the participants within the Young Leaders Program, which is a week long program providing leadership and confidence skills for up to thirty Year 10 […]

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