MAV: Melbourne 2030 and Urban Planning Discussion Forum

The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is the peak representative and lobbying body for Victoria’s 79 councils and is the official voice of local government within Victoria.

Given the MAV’s status as a peak body, the State Government’s Melbourne 2030 planning framework has received considerable attention given that a five-year review of Melbourne 2030 is planned for 2007.

The discussion forum was held to provide local government with an opportunity to discuss a cohesive approach towards this review with the aim of lobbying the State Government to improve Melbourne 2030 as part of the review and implementation process.

Throughout the discussion there was a clear consensus for a detailed implementation plan to accompany Melbourne 2030, a concern that has been echoed by various organisations including the Planning Institute of Australia, Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) and Save Our Suburbs (SOS).  Additionally there was concern over the government’s failure to integrate transport and land use planning with participants strongly disapproving the State Government’s lacklustre Transport and Liveability Statement.

It is imperative that the State Government responds to the concerns raised by local government through the review of Melbourne 2030. Melbourne 2030 has added significant financial costs for councils and yet the State Government has failed to demonstrate clear leadership in areas such as integrating transport and land use planning.

Melbourne 2030 requires a fast, frequent and readily available public transport network it is clear that local government expects the State Government to deliver more than just rhetoric.


  1. […] Given the recently held Melbourne 2030 discussion forum the reference group focused on the feedback provided which will be collated to form a list of actions required for election commitments in the upcoming state election. […]

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