Online fundraising for charities through Mycause

One of the challenges of being a local Councillor is the need to balance a career with council duties. While in terms of time commitment the role may lean itself to a full-time position, the reality is that the current council allowances are insufficient without being augmented by another income.

This is particularly challenging for younger councillors who are often at the beginning of their careers and need to juggle work and council commitments. Unfortunately this appears to be one of the reasons why younger people are severely underrepresented within local government.

I have recently accepted a marketing position at MyCause to assist in establishing partnerships with the non-profit sector and to raise community awareness about on-line fundraising and charitable events.

The Internet presents a number of opportunities for the community and non-profit sector, through allowing these organisations to directly reach people through the use of websites, emails and other technologies. While over two-thirds of Australians have some form of Internet access, Australian organisations have been relatively slow in realising the potential of the Internet, particularly when compared to European countries or the US.

This role at Mycause will allow me to merge my marketing career with my interest in the non-profit and community sectors. For more information on Mycause please visit


  1. […] between my new role at Mycause, I attended Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) discussion on transport […]

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