North Ringwood Community House 2008 AGM

The North Ringwood Community House, located at 120 Oban Road in North Ringwood, provides a range of courses in a friendly and nurturing environment.

The Community House is a community owned and managed centre, which is overseen by a voluntary committee of management. Today’s AGM included the election of committee members for the twelve months and I am pleased to have been re-nominated for the committee of management. Community houses provide a valuable educational experience, outside of the traditional concepts of education, and it is great to have further opportunities to provide input into the future direction for the facility.

The AGM’s guest speaker was Cath Connelly, a Celtic Harpist who spoke about her experiences with community houses – as a student, employee and trainer. Cath’s involvement led her to learning the harp which she teaches, as well as performs on a professional basis.

North Ringwood Community House has undertaken a number of innovative projects, including providing TAFE accredited courses and investigating the feasibility of an environmental hub in the eastern suburbs. Its success has meant it is fast outgrowing its current premises and planning must begin to investigate how the house can grow into the future. The current location, which is part of the Holy Spirit Primary School rather than being on council land, has meant that the house is unable to expand and cannot apply for council’s third/third/third grants which are provided for infrastructure works.

Discussions have begun with council to explore a new location for the house, that is located on council land within Ringwood North. I am committed to ensuring that North Ringwood Community House is able to grow into the future by finding a new site for the facility.


  1. […] the 18th of March I attended the North Ringwood Community House Annual General Meeting. North Ringwood Community House, located at 120 Oban Road, provides a remarkable facility for our […]

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