Community Wellbeing Plan – Judging for the drawing competition

Maroondah’s Community Wellbeing Plan will shape the council’s priorities and actions for working towards an inclusive, healthy and safe municipality.  The Wellbeing Plan is one of council’s highest level documents and as such extensive consultation and engagement across all ages is critical to ensuring that it reflects the viewpoints of our community.

To encourage participation from schoolchildren, council recently held a drawing competition to discover the particular qualities primary schoolchildren like about living within Maroondah.  This evening myself and Cr. Nora Lamont judged the drawings and to discover the topics identified by these schoolchildren.

Most of the students identified Maroondah’s parks and sporting facilities as the main reason they liked living within Maroondah.  In particular there was an emphasis on the close proximity of playgrounds, as well as football and swimming facilities.  This feedback will help reinforce the strong value our community places on green open space and will be utilised to provide input into the Community Wellbeing Plan.

The formal presentation of awards to the paticipating schoolchildren will be held within the next month.


  1. […] the Chair of the Maroondah Wellbeing Committee I judged the drawing competition in Apri, with each school being judged […]

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