Month: September 2005
RTCCC – Moving Forward Into The Future
Tonight we held our monthly Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) meeting and discussion focused on preparing for our Clean Up Graffiti Day to be held on Saturday the 1st of October. The Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) was established on the 17th of January 2005 and as a founding member I am proud…
Robert Doyle And EastLink Tolls
Robert Doyle, the Victorian Liberal Opposition Leader has released his long awaited ‘no tolls’ policy for the Mitcham-Frankston Freeway (now known as EastLink). The policy however, does not actually remove tolls but will instead simply halve the amount paid until 2014. While there is no doubt that the ALP lied over its initial ‘no tolls’…
Knox Leader: Lobby group renews call
The Knox Leader has reported on the renewed calls for the completion of the Knox tram issued by the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA): A PUBLIC transport lobby group has again called on the State Government to fund a tram extension to Knox City shopping centre. Public Transport Users’ Association spokesman Alex Makin said a…
RTCCC Combats Graffiti – The Scourge of Ringwood
The presence of graffiti can be detrimental to the revitalisation of any urban centre and as such the prompt removal of graffiti must take place within Ringwood and the entire Maroondah municipality. To combat the growing presence of graffiti the Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) is pleased to announce that it will be holding…
Governmental Organisational Impediments – Action Buried by Bureaucracy
As detailed in my presentation to RMIT’s Integrated Transport Planning Course delivered on Friday the 2nd of September one of my major concerns regarding the lack of progress towards the goal of increasing public transport patronage stems from the poor integration that exists between government departments, such as the Department of Infrastructure (DOI) and the…
Presentation: Integrated Transport Planning
Today, upon invitation from Dr. Robin Goodman, the Postgraduate Course Coordinator for the Environment and Planning Program at RMIT, I presented a community perspective into the Ringwood Transit City Project for RMIT’s Integrated Transport Planning Course. The slides and speech content are available here.