RTCCC – Moving Forward Into The Future

Tonight we held our monthly Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) meeting and discussion focused on preparing for our Clean Up Graffiti Day to be held on Saturday the 1st of October.

The Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) was established on the 17th of January 2005 and as a founding member I am proud of the dedication we have provided and accomplishments we have achieved to date.

Our accomplishments include the hosting and facilitation of two public events which applied the public pressure that was necessary to ensure a greater level of community participation within the Ringwood Transit City Project.

As I have declared my intent to stand as a candidate for Loughnan’s Hill Ward I believe it would be inappropriate for me to continue in my role as Chair and Spokesman of the Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC). As such I have relinquished these roles within the Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) to ensure the political independence of this vital community association.

As an individual who is standing as a candidate for Loughnan’s Hill Ward I remain dedicated to listening and acting upon community feedback. I can be contacted by calling 9812 2337 or e-mail alex@alexmakin.com.au.

I look forward to a fair and honest campaign and I look forward to hearing from you so that we can ensure a vibrant and inclusive future for Ringwood and Maroondah.

Thanking you

Alex Makin


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