Maroondah Journal: Councillor training taskforce 'a must'

The Maroondah Journal has reported on the Victorian Local Governance Association’s (VLGA) call to establish a councillor training taskforce with the aim of ensuring that councillors receive adequate training.

VLGA chief executive officer Andrew Rowe said:

“Councillors deal with issues of increasing difficulty and complexity while still essentially undertaking a part time role.”

As a newly elected Councillor in November 2005 I attended both a Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) councillor fundamentals course, which provided an overview of council functions and procedures and the VLGA’s Changes and Challenges course which provided details on Melbourne’s planning system:

O’d almost see [the courses] as compulsory for all new councillors.”

As a new councillor these courses offered fundamental information which is critical to being able to perform the role of a councillor in a professional and adept manner.

There is a lot of information to take in; if you don”t attend introductory courses it puts you on the wrong foot straight away.

While Maroondah Council does provide a comprehensive orientation there is a need for more detailed knowledge which is best provided by umbrella organisations such as the MAV and VLGA.

I applaud the VLGA’s efforts in seeking a greater level of training for councillors and support this initiative.


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