Barnsdale Way Information Session

Tonight residents of Barnsdale Way located in the north of Loughnan’s Hill Ward were invited to attend an information session regarding the results of a council commissioned into the role and safety of Barnsdale Way following its growing use as a through road for traffic.

Barnsdale Way was initially constructed as part of a staged residential subdivision of former bush land made up by a small number of larger land holdings.

The meeting tonight was extremely well attended with numbers in excess of 50 residents demonstrating the united stance that exists to find a solution. Further consultation will now be undertaken including the completion of a formal survey, which will be presented to council in May.

Following the results of these surveys further consultation involving neighbouring streets will be conducted.

I thank all residents for their attendance at the information session and for demonstrating their support to finding a solution, I can assure all residents of Barnsdale Way that I understand the safety issues that exist within Barnsdale Way.


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