The Maroondah Leader has today called on the Bracks Government and in particular Transport Minister Peter Batchelor and Treasurer John Brumby to deliver urgent public transport improvements for the Maroondah region:

In my role as Maroondah Councillor and Branch Convener for the Public Transport Users Association I have called on the following:

“I want a concrete funding commitment to Ringwood Station with an expected completion date of 2008”

“The government has been undertaking studies and comparing plans, but there’s been no clear funding commitment to an upgraded Ringwood station so far.”

The government showed during the Commonwealth Games that they have the budget and capacity to deliver public transport improvements. There are problems between the frequency and different route times and it needs urgent funding to even it up.”

The State Government must deliver on providing uniform bus services levels (a consistent frequency and operating duration) for buses across all of Melbourne. Additionally rail services must also have a consistent timetable, including the need to improve off-peak services on the Belgrave and Lilydale lines to at least a 20 minute service, consistent with weekend frequencies.

Additionally bus routes along Maroondah Highway, Canterbury Road, Wonga Roads and Dorset Roads must be upgraded to SmartBus standards consistent with the future Stud Road SmartBus.


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