Army Cadets: East Ringwood (31ACU)

Maroondah has a number of youth organisations and tonight I visited the 31st Army Cadet Unit based at the Army Depot in East Ringwood. Two army cadets from the 31st unit received awards at the 2006 Maroondah Youth Volunteer Recognition Evening and an invitation was extended so I could see the army cadets parade on Thursday evening.
With 40% of army recruits originating from the cadets, the army cadets, alongside the air force and naval cadets also provides the backbone for a career within the military.

The army cadets provides an opportunity for young people aged from 12 to 18 to become involved with an organisation that provides training in first aid and military skills, such as radio procedures, navigation and survival techniques within a framework that reinforces achievement, discipline and good citizenship. The cadets are managed by adult volunteers and are financially and operationally independent from the armed forces, meaning that fundraisers are often used to raise money required for equipment and activities.

The 31st Army Cadet Unit provides a significant community service to Maroondah including involvement within the Anzac Day Services and the Maroondah Festival and as such provides an invaluable service to the community.


  1. how do i join up

  2. Nathan,

    Thank you for your comments and for visiting my website. You can contact the Cadets by visiting their website at or contacting 9870 7073.

    Further Information on 31st Army Cadet Unit can be found at

    Hope this helps you, please contact me on 0409 136 213 or email if I can be of further assistance.



  3. Jessica Avatar

    what are the recruiting dates for 2009
    i live in ararat but my family are moving to melbourne around ringwood area in mid 2009

  4. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for visiting my website and for your interest in the Army Cadets.

    It would be best to contact the Cadets directly so that they will be able to provide you with the recruiting dates. You can contact the Cadets by visiting their website at or contacting 9870 7073.

    Hope this information helps you and that you enjoy the move to Ringwood.

    Please contact me on 0408 311 645 or email if I can assist you further.



  5. i am an army cadet at this unit, soon to be corporal houghton, i am proud to represent such a fine unit, and every one join!

  6. julian khan Avatar
    julian khan

    how do i get on east ringwood army cadets webste

  7. Jesse Rawnsley Avatar
    Jesse Rawnsley

    The new 31ACU site can be found at

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