Delegates' Report: EVRC, Heatherdale Road and the ETC

I echo comments in regard to the Eastern Volunteer Resource Centre and the community service the organisation provides. In regard I will be tabling their Annual Report, which was presented at their 30th AGM.

On the 13th I attended a meeting of the Heatherdale Community Action Group. This group, which represents the residents of Heatherdale, continues to grow and flourish with each meeting as the interests of the group diversity to cover the overall community. I am pleased to report that the group has been appreciative of council’s efforts in regard to Southern Rocycling and labelled the verdict of the recent court case as a ‘very successful win’. The verdict was obviously a victory for both residents and council alike and it is great to see that these efforts are being appreciated by the Heatherdale community.

The Eastern Transport Coalition met on the 14th and I am pleased to say the campaign for fair fare zones is continuing. It is planned to undertake a survey to ascertain the extent in which people drive to avoid paying the additional slug of a zone three fare.

In response to a question put to council a fortnight ago I also raised the issue of parking at Croydon Station. The Eastern Transport Coalition as a regional body will be pursuing this matter with the State Government and Connex to seek not only additional parking but also a more functional bus network to provide an integrated service to get people to and from Croydon Station.

Another issue I raised was the current lack of hourly bus services on a Sunday along Maroondah Highway. After much advocacy the state government pledged to provide an hourly Sunday service for bus route 670, which connects Ringwood, Croydon, Chirnside Park and Lilydale along the Maroondah Highway.

While some Sunday services were provided on this highly patronised route there is currently a three-hour gap in the middle of the day. The Eastern Transport Coalition will be requesting the fulfilment of the government’s commitment made in 2005 to deliver a proper hourly Sunday service.


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