Maroondah City Council Award for ICLEI Water Campaign

This morning on behalf of Maroondah City Council I accepted an award for the achievement of Milestone 3 Corporate in the ICLEI Water Campaign.

ICLEI is the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives and is an internationally based non-profit local government association which aims to build a movement of councils to achieve tangible improvements in environmental conditions through the cumulative impact of local action.

Maroondah City Council like most other councils in Victoria is a member of ICLEI and specifically its Water Campaign and greenhouse gas reduction program (known as the Cities for Climate Protection).

The Water Campaign aims to improve water quality and the conversation of water at a corporate (Council owned and operated facilities), community and catchment level.

The following milestones apply to each level:

  1. Develop an inventory of water consumption and water quality issues;
  2. Establish goals for water conservation and improvement in water quality;
  3. Develop a local action plan;
  4. Implement water conservation and water quality actions;
  5. Monitor and report progress.

Maroondah City Council has achieved Milestone 1 for both the corporate and community components and has also completed Milestones 2 and 3 of the corporate component.

The award this morning recognised Maroondah City Council’s completion of the corporate component for milestone three.

With water becoming an increasingly scarce resource it is imperative that council’s adopt a leadership position in minimising the wastage of water.


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