MAV Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Group – March 2007

The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is the peak body representing local councils within the state. The transport infrastructure advisory group is charged to provide advice to the MAV board on the transport infrastructure needs for Melbourne.

Today’s meeting included a presentation on the East-West Needs Assessment, which is currently being undertaken by the State Government. This study is charged with the responsibility to plan for Melbourne’s future infrastructure needs within the inner eastern and western suburbs.

The recently released Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission (VCEC) report into congestion clearly identified the need for the state government to bring forward a number of essential transport projects, such rail extensions and bus improvements, to ease Melbourne’s worsening traffic congestion.

It is imperative that the East-West Needs Assessment provides a holistic solution to Melbourne’s transport needs and considers public transports such as the much needed Doncaster rail line and further improvements. Melbourne needs to be provided with real transport choice, in the form of an efficient, frequent and readily available public transport, to provide some relief to rising petrol prices and worsening traffic congestion.


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