The Herald-Sun has reported on the worsening condition of Melbourne’s train network, as overcrowding and cancellations continue to increase.

MELBOURNE’s overcrowded train network is bracing for more than 156,000 extra commuters a day — with just 10 new trains set to ease the load.

The State Government has failed to adequately plan for Melbourne’s public transport needs with passengers continuing to experience overcrowding.

Public Transport Users Association spokesman Alex Makin said new trains would be welcome but would not meet the demand.

He said the trains could hold about 900 people per trip but he believed the Government would have to buy more rolling stock just to keep up.

With an era of rising petrol prices it should have been abundantly clear to the State Government that patronage growth would occur. Furthermore with the State Government’s goal of 20% public transport modal share by 2020 it should have comprehensively planned and delivered improvements inline with such growth.

“There has been very little proper planning. The Government has simply been reacting when there is a crisis,” he said.

“There is a strong demand for public transport, particularly in light of rising petrol prices.”

While the rail system and public transport overall is experiencing significant growth, modal share, (the proportion of trips taking by public transport versus cars) has remained relatively static. The State Government must begin to proactively manage Melbourne’s public transport system rather than simply lurching from one crisis to another.


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