Migrant Information Centre – Outer East Voices DVD Launch

The Outer East Voices project is a jointly initiative between the Migrant Information Centre, VicHealth and with a partnership including the Cities of Maroondah and Knox. The project, aimed at both primary and high school students, allowed young people to meet other people from diverse communities to promote friendship and to learn skills in filmmaking and digital imagery.

The outcome of the project, a DVD which interviewed school students on diversity and views of Australia, was launched at EV’s Youth Centre to showcase the skills demonstrated by the young people involved in the project. The DVD will be used to discuss issues such as friendship, identity and multiculturalism within the school curriculum.

The launch included presentations from the participants of the program, who demonstrated the skills and experienced gained through the project and allowed them to talk about their experiences living in eastern Melbourne. The DVD will be available from the Migrant Information Centre within the next month.


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