Media Release: Transport advocacy will continue

In announcing his resignation from the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA), Alex Makin has urged local communities to find their voice and directly advocate for much needed service improvements.

“Sustainable transport and public transport advocacy has been and will remain a passion of mine,” Mr. Makin said. “While I have resigned from the PTUA, I certainly plan on remaining active in transport advocacy and in particular focusing on the needs of middle and outer suburban residents.”

Alex Makin joined in the PTUA in 2004 when he formed the Outer East branch to represent the transport needs of outer suburban residents. Alex subsequently formed the southeast branch and undertook direct lobbying of politicians and government departments to seek public transport improvements. Alex was also a principal spokesperson for the organisation until his resignation.

“I would like to thank the many current and past Members of Parliaments and local councillors who made themselves available to myself and the PTUA. While we may not have always agreed, it was certainly encouraging to have open dialogue with a number of politicians,” Mr. Makin said. “I would also like to thank the many dedicated community members both within the PTUA and external to the organisation.”

“Lastly, I would like to thank the media for their ongoing coverage of the PTUA and transport issues in general. It is critical that our middle and outer suburbs find their voice in calling for public transport improvements. I certainly will remain active in transport advocacy and as such am more than happy to continue speaking to the media as a public transport advocate,” Mr. Makin concluded.

ALL MEDIA ENQUIRIES: Alex Makin on 0409 136 213 or email


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