State of the Victorian Economy

This afternoon I attended a Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) function on the State of the Victorian economy, presented by the Victorian State Treasurer John Lenders.

Treasurer Lenders highlighted a range of figures, such as gross state product, population growth and building construction, which demonstrated the continued growth of the Victorian economy and provided the context of Victoria’s future direction. In this regard the following priorities will have a direct impact on Maroondah:

  • Accelerating public transport improvements;
  • Improving urban development and planning;
  • Strengthening the delivery of major projects;

While the Treasurer remarked that Commonwealth grants to Victoria were decreasing in real terms, he failed to highlight Victoria’s role in shifting costs to local government.

With continued strong economic growth it is an opportune time to invest in the future needs of Melbourne and Victoria. In this regard, the State Government needs to include urgent public transport projects, such as the redevelopment of Ringwood station in the next State Budget.


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