Month: February 2008
Maroondah Tourism and Heritage Advisory Board
The Maroondah Tourism and Heritage Advisory Board meets every two months to discuss matters relating to the culture and heritage of Maroondah. The advisory board includes members of the community, including representatives from the Ringwood and Croydon Historical Societies as well as members interested in Maroondah’s culture and heritage. Items for discussions this year include…
Attending the 2008 Maroondah Festival
This afternoon, after my presentation at the Sustainable Living Festival, I attended the 2008 Maroondah Festival to visit the many community groups that were on display. Fortunately the weather was slightly cooler than last year’s 40 degree heat and community groups were located at the forefront of the festival. The Youth Stage was also well…
Activating Communities: Communities for Public Transport at the Sustainable Living Festival
Melbourne’s Sustainable Living Festival, held at Federation Square, is Victoria’s premiere festival celebrating and promoting urban sustainability. As part of the proceedings, I delivered a presentation on the aims of Communities for Public Transport and the need for grassroots advocacy for public transport improvements. Ultimately a lack of public transport affects local communities, through failure…
CEDA Transport Infrastructure: National Priorities
In between my new role at Mycause, I attended a Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) discussion on transport infrastructure. The program included two guest speakers, Eric Keys, Principal of the consultants Booz Allen Hamilton and Nick Dimopoloulos, the Chief Executive Officer of the National Transport Commission. Both speakers discussed the need for an…
Online fundraising for charities through Mycause
One of the challenges of being a local Councillor is the need to balance a career with council duties. While in terms of time commitment the role may lean itself to a full-time position, the reality is that the current council allowances are insufficient without being augmented by another income. This is particularly challenging for…
Croydon Conservation Society first meeting for 2008
The Croydon Conservation Society (CCS) has resumed its committee meetings for 2008. Tonight’s meeting discussed urban sustainability and the recent tour of the CERES environment park. The CCS is one of Maroondah’s most renowned conservation groups and its input into Amendment C58, which covered the Ringwood Transit City, has helped strengthen Maroondah’s ability to encourage…
Melbourne 2030 Reference Group
The Melbourne 2030 Reference Group provides a forum for councils to discuss the State Government’s Melbourne 2030 planning policy and its ramifications for local government. The group has focused on activity centre development, public transport and sustainability to ensure that local councils are empowered and supported by the State Government in the aim of creating…
Media Release: Visit one of these sites for Clean Up Australia Day
Spend an hour or two at one of the registered Clean Up Australia Day sites in the City of Maroondah and help to ‘Clean up Maroondah’ on Clean Up Australia Day, Sunday 2 March. Councillor Alex Makin said Council and community coordinators would gladly welcome extra pairs of hands on the day. “Maroondah City Council…