I regularly hold meetings to discuss issues that are a concern to the residents within Loughnan’s Hill Ward. This evening I spoke to several residents located within the Ringwood Transit City area to discuss issues relevant to the local area.

Resident meetings provide an opportunity to hear first-hand the concerns that people have about their local neighbourhood. Issues discussed included footpaths, new developments and the condition of Ringwood Station. Footpath construction is already mandatory for new developments within the Ringwood Transit City and the recently adopted Amendment C58 will further strengthen council’s focus on sustainable developments through improvements to water and energy conservation.

It is hoped that the State Government will support the revitalisation of Ringwood by committing to the redevelopment of Ringwood Station. The station currently fails accessibility standards and is perceived to be unsafe, this redevelopment is required to ensure the future success of Ringwood.

Resident meetings provide a fantastic opportunity to hear and address local concerns and I would like to thank the residents who provided their time this evening.


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