Enjoying Planned Retirement March Bocce

Enjoying Planned Retirement (EPR) holds fortnightly bocce sessions between December and April and is one of the many activities undertaken by the group. Today’s bocce included the unveiling of EPR’s new barbecue which was kindly donated by Rinnai Australia to replace the previous barbecue that was stolen in February.

The generosity of Rinnai and its sales manager Clinton Smith, a local Croydon resident, was outstanding. It is wonderful to see businesses and our local residents being so willing to assist our community groups. Both myself and EPR are truly grateful for this donation and I would like to thank Rinnai for this gracious contribution to the Maroondah community.


  1. […] the 25th of March I attended one of Enjoying Planned Retirement’s bocce afternoons. Bocce, which is conducted between December and April, is one of the many activities organised by […]

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