Media Release: Public transport high on Rudd’s 2020 summit agenda

The Eastern Transport Coalition has issued a media release following the recent Your Local 2020 Summit hosted by the Federal Members for Chisholm, Deakin, Holt, Hotham, Bruce and Isaacs.

Councillor Alex Makin, the Deputy Chair of the group, represents Maroondah City Council on the Eastern Transport Coalition and attended the summit.

“The Eastern Transport Coalition attended the Summit and found the level of interest in federal funding for public transport infrastructure supported the results of the 2007 survey conducted by the Eastern Transport Coalition,” said Cr Makin.

“The Eastern Transport Coalition will continue to advocate the Federal Government to see funding models developed for public transport infrastructure, particularly in the eastern region of Melbourne,” said Cr Makin.

“The survey also found that the Federal Government can help provide that option, 62% of respondents said it was not acceptable that the Federal Government provided funding for major roads but not for public transport infrastructure.

“The Federal Government currently provides billions of dollars for major road infrastructure but public transport is a viable and a necessary alternative. People know that public transport can achieve the same ends, taking private cars off the roads, helping reduce greenhouse gas emission and leaving road space for freight.

“Our local residents don’t want to see each level of Government blame each other, 76% believed the State and Federal Governments should share the cost for all necessary public transport infrastructure,” Cr. Makin concluded.

The Eastern Transport Coalition is made up of seven Councils in Melbourne’s east, representing almost one million residents, with a primary focus on advocating for improved transport choices in the east.


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