Ringwood Chamber of Commerce: Easy steps to becoming sustainable

Tonight marked the return of the Ringwood Chamber of Commerce’s meeting schedule and included Matthew Wright of Climate Positive as the guest speaker.

Climate Positive is a not-for-profit organisation with a focus on creating partnerships with businesses to improve their environmental sustainability and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Climate Positive utilises a three scope program, which covers energy usage of the business as well as examining the supply and distribution channel. Many of the initiatives that reduce the environmental impact of a business generally also improve its economic viability through producing savings in energy, water and transport costs.

I was also provided with the opportunity to discuss the partnership that has emerged between North Ringwood Community House, Park Orchards Community House, Eastern Volunteers Resource Centre and Maroondah and Manningham City Councils which is investigating the feasibility of an environmental resource centre within Melbourne’s outer eastern suburbs. The success of this project will depend on community interest and it is great to see an interest from businesses. I was invited to provide further updates on the project as it progresses.

It is encouraging that the Ringwood Chamber of Commerce acknowledges the need for environmental sustainability and is educating the business community in reducing its carbon usage.


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