Discussing the Croydon Conservation Society with Channel 31's Eastern Newsbeat

This morning the Croydon Conservation Society was interviewed as part of Channel 31’s Eastern News Beat program. Participants in the interview included the President, Liz Sanzaro, the Secretary, Sandra Hardiman, committee member Margot Seidel and myself as the group’s Treasurer.

The interview covered topics such as the history of the Croydon Conservation Society, its successes over tree canopy protection and parkland improvements and current campaigns such as lobbying for the introduction of container deposit legislation, similar to the successful program that has been operating in South Australia.

I also discussed the Croydon Conservation Society’s involvement in the lobbying for public transport improvements, including the need for ongoing advocacy to ensure the redevelopment of Ringwood Station. The Society provides a crucial voice for the Maroondah community and assists in demonstrating the support that exists to improving the sustainability of our municipality.

Eastern News Beat is a weekly program that provides news and information from Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. The program is broadcast each Monday at 9.00am and on Thursday at 11.30am.

For more information on Channel 31 please visit www.channel31.org.au. For information on the Croydon Conservation Society please visit www.croydonconservation.org.au.


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