Media Release: Campaign for Ringwood Station must be revived

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

MEDIA RELEASE: Government Leaves Ringwood to Rot

Cr. Alex Makin, the ward councillor for much of the Ringwood Transit City area, has slammed council’s ‘softly softly’ approach after the State Government failed to provide any funding for the Ringwood Transit City in the state Budget.

“The State Government’s repeated refusal to back the redevelopment of Ringwood Station is a slap in the face to Maroondah Council and every single resident within Maroondah and beyond,” Cr. Makin said. “This Government has such contempt that it even failed to provide the few measly millions we had seen in previous budgets.”

While previous State Budgets had allocated a few million for design and scoping works for Ringwood Station and associated areas, no funding was unveiled in the 2008 – 2009 State Budget. This was despite Ringwood’s status as a transit city and the fact that Ringwood Station does not meet accessibility standards.

“This government only acts in the face of public pressure. This was seen last year when the City of Maribyrnong launched a successful public campaign for the upgrade of Footscray Station”, Cr. Makin said. “Maroondah’s ‘softly softly’ approach has clearly failed, since absolutely nothing was allocated to Ringwood Station in the budget.”

The City of Maribyrnong campaigned heavily for the upgrade of Ringwood Station in the lead up to the 2006 State Election and beyond. Funding for the redevelopment of Footscray Station was announced in last year’s State Government budget.

“I will be calling on council to act decisively and publicly in denouncing the budget decision and launching a campaign to revive Ringwood. Should council fail to act then I am ready to lead a campaign so that Ringwood is not left to rot,” Cr. Makin concluded.

About Alex Makin:
Alex Makin was elected in November 2005 as the Councillor for Loughnan’s Hill ward in the City of Maroondah. Alex, currently the youngest councillor elected within the history of the City of Maroondah, has a keen interest in accessibility, sustainability, public transport, planning and community engagement.


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