You are invited to attend a Public Transport Summit on Friday 4 July at Manningham City Council Offices, Doncaster.

Hosted by the Eastern Transport Coalition (ETC), the Summit will draw together local residents, leaders and transport advocates to discuss improving public transport in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.

Keynote speaker will be Professor Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability, Curtin University. Professor Newman is a renowned West Australian academic and planner who is credited with coining the term ‘automobile dependence’ — an expression describing the creation of cities reliant on cars.

The Summit will also hear from Professor Graham Currie, Monash University Chair of Public Transport and Peter Daly, Chief Engineer from the RACV.

In addition I will be speaking about the role of Ringwood and its importance as an accessible regional centre which requires a comprehensive public transport system complete with the redevelopment of Ringwood Station and duplications along the Belgrave and Lilydale rail lines.

For further details and to RSVP please visit the ETC public transport summit web site.


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