Scoot Wheel n Move – discussing the workshop findings

Today’s Scoot Wheel n Move meeting discussed the future direction of the group, including the possibility of involving Eastern Access Community Health (EACH) as an auspice for the group.

While Scoot Wheel n Move has operated under the umbrella of Maroondah City Council, increased autonomy would strengthen the group’s ability to advocate for accessibility improvements, particularly in regard to Ringwood Station and the redevelopment of Eastland.

Scoot Wheel n Move has had tremendous success in previous years, through the establishment of a recharge program providing recharge points for motorised mobility aids, a mobility booklet and hosting a forum to discuss mobility issues within Maroondah. It is critical that this success continues so that we can further improve accessibility within Maroondah to provide a safe and comfortable environment for people with disabilities.

Eastern Access Community Health will present at the next meeting of Scoot Wheel n Move to discuss its ideas and vision for the group.


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