Youth Voice aims to develop a working group sourced from Maroondah schools and community groups to produce a Youth Magazine and provide a voice for students and younger people within Maroondah.

The project was launched at Ringwood Secondary College through an online interactive forum which allowed schools across Victoria to participate. A number of topics were discussed through the forum, including discussion around VCAL and VCE, cyber safety and the Ringwood Transit City and the redevelopment for Ringwood.

The launch also provided an opportunity to explore the Australian Technical College, which is located at Ringwood Secondary. The college provides practical skills development for students seeking a trade vocational career.

The forums, which were conducted via online chatroom functionality, provided an opportunity to receive input from younger people in regard to their vision for Ringwood. A number of younger people cited the need for increased entertainment and public transport, as well as sharing concerns about Ringwood Station. The discussion generated from these students will assist in planning for the future of Ringwood with Council and Queensland Investment Corporation (the owners of Eastland) both participating in the forums.

The Youth Magazine will provide an ongoing mechanism to demonstrate the positive contribution that younger people make. The publication will also encourage participation within our community through strengthening connections and highlighting issues relevant to younger people.


  1. Mel Nicholls Avatar
    Mel Nicholls


    I heard about this at the council meeting last night, being the one of the venturers sitting up the back. I wondered what is ongoing with this and what opportunities there are to participate? It sounds like a worthwhile initiative, getting the future generations involved in our own future. Good work.


  2. Hello Mel,

    Thank you for your comments and for your interest in Youth Voice. It was great to meet you at Monday’s council meeting and congratulations on having an interest in council and our local community.

    The Youth Magazine is expected to be an ongoing initiative and the first publication is anticipated during term three. Fay Moloney is the Convenor of the working party and she will be able to provide you with further details. Fay can be contacted on

    The magazine is just beginning so it will be a great time to get involved!

    Would also be worth speaking to Council’s Youth Services Team based at EV’s Youth Centre in Croydon because they host a number of great events throughout the year. EV’s can be contacted on 9298 4373 or visit

    Hope this helps and please do contact me if I can provide you with further information. Will certainly be great to have you involved!



  3. […] the 10th of June I attended the launch of Youth Voices at Ringwood Secondary College. Youth Voices will develop a magazine to provide a voice for our […]

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