Eastern Transport Coalition – securing public transport improvements for eastern Melbourne

Tonight’s Eastern Transport Coalition discussed the recently held public transport summit and the State Government’s new transport plan which is due in November of this year.

Following from the public transport summit, The Eastern Transport Coalition recently presented its priorities to the Premier John Brumby and the Minister for Public Transport, Lynne Kosky. This briefing reinforced the need for new rail extensions, upgraded public transport interchanges, such as the redevelopment of Ringwood Station, and vastly improved bus services.

The Government is now seeking a list of projects from the Eastern Transport Coalition which will hopefully form part of the State Government’s new transport plan. The Eastern Transport Coalition is calling on the State Government to invest heavily in public transport so as to provide relief for rising petrol prices and mitigate worsening traffic congestion. It is critical that the State Government delivers a plan that commits to the target of improving public transport patronage and delivering a level of service that meets the needs of Melbourne.

The recently released Emissions Trading Scheme green paper was also discussed, with the Eastern Transport Coalition calling on the Federal and State Governments to work together over the next five years to ensure that public transport services are improved. Federal leadership is required to reduce car dependency and to tackle the rising levels of greenhouse emissions that are caused by the transport sector.

The Eastern Transport Coalition’s public transport summit served as a call to action to State and Federal Governments. It is imperative that governments listen to this message and deliver the public transport improvements demanded by the community.


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