Media Release: Green thumbs used for National Tree Day

In support of National Tree Day, held on Sunday 27 July, Maroondah City Council staff brought their green thumbs to work and planted 250 trees.

Councillor Alex Makin said National Tree Day is one of Australia’s largest community tree planting event, with over 290,000 volunteers taking part last year.

“Community tree planting took place on Sunday 27 July at four sites throughout Maroondah, and Council staff did their bit at Croydon Town Park at lunchtime on Tuesday 29 July,” said Cr Makin.

“Maroondah City Council plants 30,000 trees and shrubs every year, and if you combine the number of trees in public and private land, you’ll find there are more than 500,000 trees in Maroondah,” said Cr Makin.

“There are numerous reasons why we need trees, not least that they are the earth’s lungs, inhaling carbon dioxide and removing greenhouse gas from the atmosphere then exhaling oxygen for humans to breathe,” said Cr Makin

“In addition, trees provide habitat and food for the many different species of wildlife that we are fortunate to enjoy in Maroondah,” said Cr Makin.

Council staff planted Eucalyptus radiata and cephlacapa as well as Dianella and Lomandra grasses in an area 200 square metres of Town Park in Croydon, to improve and extend the natural bush in the western end of the park.

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