Ringwood Rotary – becoming a member

This evening I had the pleasure of being inducted as a member of Ringwood Rotary after being sponsored as a member by Assistant Governor Andrew Brownlie. After being confirmed as a member I was appointed on the Community sub-committee, which exists to assist the wider community and recommend suitable projects to the club board of management.

It is amazing to see the depth of commitment that members of Ringwood Rotary have towards the wider community. These are people who are devoted to assisting the community on a local, national and international level, without the politicking and egos that appear far too often within council. Rotary’s core philosophy stems from the ‘Four Way Test’, a series of principles that were established by Herbert J. Taylor, a Rotarian member and former director of Rotary International.

The Four Way Test is the foundation of Rotary and consists of the following four principles:

Of the things we say, think or do

  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

The origin of the Four Way Test stems from 1932 during the midst of the Great Depression with his company, Club Aluminium facing bankruptcy. Taylor believed that by encouraging a strong sense of ethics that the company would do what was right for its customers, employees and business partners. Amazingly, within just five years Club Aluminium was free from bankruptcy and exists to this day as part of Standex International.

I am looking forward to my time within the Rotary Club of Ringwood with its adherence to principles such as the Four Way Test.


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