Channel 7 news: discussing the transport needs of eastern Melbourne

As the State Government develops yet another transport plan, the Eastern Transport Coalition has been outlining the public transport projects required to provide transport choices for Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.

Projects such as the redevelopment of Ringwood Station, track duplications, new rail lines to Doncaster and Rowville, tram extensions to Doncaster and Knox and vastly improved bus services, are required to ensure that residents of Melbourne’s eastern suburbs are able to use frequent, efficient and readily available public transport services.

As the Deputy Chair of the Eastern Transport Coalition I was interviewed by channel seven news to highlight the importance of public transport within the government’s forthcoming transport plan.


Ringwood, as a regional centre, urgently requires funding for the redevelopment of Ringwood Station to create a sustainable, accessible and vibrant and urban centre. The State Government must address the transport needs of the region through its upcoming transport plan.


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