Maroondah Journal: $39m budget for city revitalisation

The Maroondah Journal has reported on the the State Government’s announcement of $39 million for Ringwood Station beginning in the 2009/10 State Budget.

Eastern Transport Coalition spokesman and Maroondah Councillor Alex Makin said the funding was “half-complete” and failed to cover improvements to accessibility.

“The steep gradients of the ramps at Ringwood station means it fails disability-compliance standards.”

While it is encouraging that the State Government is finally delivering tangible funding to Ringwood, it is disappointing that the station itself will not be improved. This means that further advocacy is required to ensure that the Government commits to delivering an accessible transport interchange to create an inclusive public transport system for Ringwood and Maroondah.

I will continue to advocate for improvements to Ringwood Station to ensure that the State Government delivers this commitment.


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