Enjoying Planned Retirement Annual General Meeting

Enjoying Planned Retirement (EPR) is one of three groups based at Norwood Hall in Warrandyte Road, Ringwood North. This evening EPR held its annual general meeting to appoint officebearers for the next twelve months.

EPR prides itself on being an active, unique and progressive activities club for seniors and this is reflected in its constitution, which requires the President to stand down after a two year term. This assists the club in considering new ideas and helps distribute the workload of committee positions. As a result, the club’s President Kath Perkins stepped down from her position and James Jamieson, the Vice-President was elected unopposed into the President role.

As the local ward councillor I have worked with Kath over the past two years to assist EPR with council issues and it has been delightful to have been assisted such a lively and inclusive club. Through its group conveners EPR is able to organise a wide range of activities, including wine tasting, performances, caravan trips, tennis, social gatherings, outings and cardgames. I have been a regular attendee to several EPR events, including its annual Spotlighters Performance, the Bocce afternoons and its Hidden Talents concert, all of which reinforce the fun friendly and inclusive nature of the organisation.

While EPR has over 400 members, its key priority over the next twelve months will be the expansion of its membership base. The committee is currently considering strategies to encourage new members and I have offered to design a website to assist in promoting the group.

I wish the incoming committee the best of wishes and I look forward to continuing my association with EPR.


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