Women's Health East Annual General Meeting

Located at 28 Warrandyte Road in Ringwood, Women’s Health East is a community based women’s health agency. The organisation aims to lead, promote and supports health initiatives for women within Melbourne’s eastern region.

Today’s annual general meeting discussed the Health Promotion Plan, which identified the key priorities over the next three years. The plan includes a focus on violence against women, reproductive health and mental health and wellbeing.

Women’s Health East has an emphasis on advocacy, as well as health promotion and the organisation’s first factsheet assists in both of these aims. The factsheet, which is on violence against women, identifies the reported cases of violence and ongoing concerns over the under-reporting of such crimes.

Local government has the potential to promote health and wellbeing and encourage gender equity. As a candidate in the council elections I recently signed my commitment to the Action Plan for Women’s Health 2008-2012 and Council’s Community Wellbeing Plan will be able to assist in implementing these aims.


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