This evening Eastern Volunteers hosted its end of year function, bringing together staff, volunteers and the board of management to celebrate their success in providing volunteer recruitment services and transport for the frail aged and people with disabilities.

Organisations like Eastern Volunteers assist in creating an inclusive community through encouraging volunteerism and providing mobility for people that would otherwise be isolated.

Eastern Volunteers has formed a number of partnerships, including the Seniors Register in conjunction with Maroondah City Council and the Maroondah Police. The Seniors Register provides regular phone contact for senior citizens and a safety audit of people’s homes to ensure that participants are safe and connected with their community.

The Seniors Register began through discussions held between members of the Maroondah Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee and demonstrates the strength of partnerships in improving the wellbeing of our community.

I will be continuing as one of three council delegates for the Maroondah Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee within 2009.


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