It is a great honour to declare that I have been re-elected as a councillor for the City of Maroondah representing the residents, ratepayers, community groups and businesses of the new Mullum Ward.

I am incredibly humbled to have received such strong support from the the Mullum community, where I received over 20% of the primary vote. I pledge to continue making a difference and to represent the Mullum Ward to create a municipality that is sustainable, accessible and underpinned through a council that is accountable to the public.

I pay my respects to both Jo-anne Taylor and Maureen Naylor, both of whom came close but unfortunately were not returned. Jo-anne and Maureen were both excellent councillors and two people that have served the community in an exceptional capacity. I will miss both Maureen and Jo-anne, they were a great source of support and I wish them both well. While Maureen, after serving both the Croydon and Maroondah Councils, may be looking forward to her retirement, Jo-anne clearly has much to offer the community and I do expect to see her involved in community causes.

When I was first elected in 2005 I was one lone voice, Maureen and Jo-anne saw the work I was undertaking and become very supportive. It is their support that has helped me continue to represent Maroondah and I give my commitment that this dedication will continue.

It is also unfortunate that Peter Feeney was not elected, after missing out by approximately 100 votes. Peter is someone I respect deeply and a person who would have made an incredible contribution to council. While Peter is obviously disappointed, I am certain he will continue to represent the community in his own capacity. Even though Maroondah may have missed out on council representation by Peter Feeney, I am positive he will continue to contribute to the betterment of the community as he has done so for many years.

Adam Pepper would have also made a wonderful contribution to Maroondah and I commend Adam on his integrity and commitment to conducting a dignified campaign. Adam has much to offer and I am certain he will continue to be heavily involved within the community.

I will be sharing the Mullum Ward with Nora Lamont and Ann Fraser. Nora is someone who will make Maroondah a better place and I look forward to working with her. I am certain that Nora and I will make a constructive and productive team and that together we will be making a difference.

Ann Fraser and I have had our differences but one must acknowledge her ongoing work in the community and the fact that she has never given up. After several attempts, Ann has been elected onto council and I am hopeful that we will be able to work together on behalf of the Mullum community.

I must also pay tribute to outgoing Mayor and Councillor Tony Dib, while Tony and I may not have always agreed, there was mutual respect and I do wish him well in his future endeavours.

There are three new faces in Maroondah within the other council wards, Rob Steane, Michael MacDonald and Paul MacDonald and I am certain each of them are committed to the Maroondah community. While I have spoken to each of them during the election period, I look forward to getting to know the three new faces onto Maroondah Council and to working with them.

Les Willmott, Peter Gurr and Natalie Thomas were each returned and while there were divisions in the previous term of council, I offer a commitment to conciliation and hope that these differences can be overcome. While there should be differing opinions and fearless debate, we should be working united as a team and I hope that there is a mutual commitment to working together for the benefit of the City of Maroondah.

Likewise I offer a genuine commitment to conciliation to my opponents, including Mary-Anne Lowe. While Mary-Anne and I have had our battles, an election defeat is disappointing for anyone and I do genuinely wish her well. Each of the candidates should feel proud that they chose to nominate for council and endure the stress and mixed emotions that result from an election campaign and they do deserve to be commended for this effort.

Thank you to the many people who assisted me throughout the campaign and over the last three years. It has been your support that has delivered such a compelling result. I look forward to continuing to work with the individuals and community groups that I have met and I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to contact me a councillor and as a candidate.

I once again thank the one in five residents that voted directly for me in this election. I scored the highest primary vote within the whole of Maroondah and I thank you for having confidence in my abilities and my commitment to continue making a difference. I will continue to represent all people within the community and I am honoured to have received such a compelling mandate in this election.

I thank you for providing me with the honour and privilege to represent the Mullum Ward and Maroondah for the next four years.

Alex Makin
Councillor for the Mullum Ward


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