Maroondah Journal: Transport priorities outlined

The Maroondah Journal has reported on the council’s transport priorities, which will be advocated through the Eastern Transport Coalition, which includes Melbourne’s seven outer eastern councils.

The Eastern Transport Coalition represents one million residents within Melbourne’s outer east and provides a united council voice for public transport advocacy within the region.

Specifically Maroondah’s priorities include the redevelopment of Ringwood Station into an accessible and safe transport interchange, track improvements along the Belgrave and Lilydale line and bus improvements to provide more frequent and coordinated and readily available services.

Cr Alex Makin, the council’s representative on the ETC, said the council confirmed its public transport priorities at its meeting last Monday.

“As council’s representative, I will be ensuring that these priorities are uppermost in the minds of the coalition and in our advocacy to the state and federal governments.”

These projects will provide economic, social and environmental benefits to not just Maroondah but the entire eastern region. The redevelopment of the Station interchange alone, into an accessible, safe and integrated facility, is expected to contribute $19 million benefit to the State economy.

In addition, there are social benefits through creating more inclusive communities and enhancing social mobility, as well as environmental improvements such as reducing greenhouse emissions.

The redevelopment of Ringwood Station coupled with rail and bus improvements will improve the sustainability of Ringwood, Maroondah and the wider outer east.

The Eastern Transport Coalition, through its membership of Melbourne’s outer eastern councils, will continue its ongoing advocacy for these public transport improvements.


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