The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is the peak body representing local government within the State and comprises of a board consisting of councillors elected by their peers. The MAV divides Victoria into regions, with the councils within each region electing a regional representative.

The City of Maroondah is part of the MAV’s Eastern Region and the regional delegate being Cr. Geoff Gough from the City of Manningham. This evening Cr. Gough organised a reception at the City of Manningham to encourage networking between the member councils.

The City of Maroondah has a number of motions which it is sponsoring at the upcoming MAV Conference, including calls to ensure consistent rates of depreciation across the sector, support for reducing greenhouse emissions and calling on the State Government to increase funding for the FReeZA program so that local government can continue to encourage youth participation and provide employment pathways within this music focused program.

Councils within Melbourne’s eastern region should share similar goals in seeking to reduce greenhouse emissions, support financial stability and encourage social inclusion.


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