Media Release: Road Management Plan adopted

Maroondah’s amended Road Management Plan (RMP) was adopted at the Council meeting of Monday 20 July.

The plan outlines a maintenance service standard and integrated management system for the inspection, maintenance and repair of Council’s roads and road-related infrastructure assets.

Councillor Alex Makin said the main aim of the review underpinning the RMP’s amendment was to assess the levels of service provided, taking into account what was considered reasonable, affordable and achievable.

“The Road Management Plan is an important document outlining Council’s intended levels of service for maintenance of the municipality’s roads and road-related assets,” Cr Makin said.

“The amendments recommended in Council’s review of the Road Management Plan will result in a clearer definition of Council’s responsibilities in relation to road maintenance, the inclusion of an updated map of the municipality reflecting the new three-ward structure, and other minor updates,” Cr Makin said.

The Road Management Plan was on public exhibition in June and July. No submissions were received.

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