Rotary Club of Ringwood – Hub Captains and rebuilding after the bushfires

The Rotary Club of Ringwood has been assisting the bushfire affected areas of Victoria, through fundraising efforts and other initiative such as establishing a tool library in conjunction with the Lions Club of Marysville.

The Tool Library provides residents with the ability to hire tools required to assist in the rebuilding efforts, as they rebuild their homes and lives and communities. The Rotary Club of Ringwood has provided several trailers of equipment and tools for the people of Marysville and to stock the Tool Library.

Tonight’s guest speaker was the Hub Captain from Marysville, who is responsible for coordinating the bushfire relief efforts. Hub Captains have been appointed within each of the affected regions and it is their role to coordinate local, state and Federal government efforts within these regions.

The Hub Captains are funded through the State Government and assist in providing a centralised approach to Government services and assistance. The role entails working closely with the community as the towns embark on a rebuilding process.

The Rotary Club of Ringwood has worked closely with the Hub Captain of Marysville to assist in the rebuilding efforts, particularly in re-establishing and empowering the local community.

The rebuilding process is an enormous and complex task and it is therefore important that there is coordination between government and the community.


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