Media Release: New resource for stroke survivors and carers

Maroondah City Council is preparing to release a new publication aimed at stroke survivors and carers.

The publication, A Guide to Services for Stroke Survivors and Carers, was produced by Council’s Metro Access Project workers with assistance from the Croydon Stroke Support Group.

Councillor Alex Makin said the guide took a holistic approach to providing information for people who suffer stroke and those who care for them.

“The beauty of the guide is that it provides information on a number of agencies and support services in one handy package,” Cr Makin said.

“It was produced in response to anecdotal evidence that indicated many people had encountered a lack of information on stroke once they had left hospital,” Cr Makin said.

“The guide contains a range of useful information including web links, phone numbers, email and street addresses, and background information on stroke-related support services and agencies,” Cr Makin said.

The guide covers topics including rehabilitation and therapy, employment, recreation, equipment, stroke risk factors and how to reduce them, hospital stroke support, legal issues, community services, transport, advocacy and life after stroke.

Free copies of the guide will be available at the publication’s launch this Friday 18 September from 10 to 11.30am at the Karralyka Centre, Mines Road, East Ringwood.

Guest speakers Esselina Shergis (Maroondah Hospital) and Wendy Lyon (stroke survivor and Croydon Stroke Support Group member) will address the gathering.

Copies of the annual Croydon Stroke Support Group calendar will also be on sale, all proceeds of which return to the group. The calendars contain artwork produced by group members.

For more information, or to obtain a copy of A Guide to Services for Stroke Survivors and Carers, phone Council’s Metro Access Officer Jack Mulholland on 9294 5750 or email


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