Media Release: Living clean and green

The first in a series of educational workshops on sustainable living will be held at Council’s Braeside Avenue Offices in Ringwood on Thursday 11 February.

Mayor of Maroondah, Cr Alex Makin, said the workshops formed part of the Sustainable Living Space (SLS) Project, a community learning initiative involving Council, the City of Manningham, North Ringwood Community House and the Eastern Volunteer Resource Centre.

The first SLS community meeting will address draught-proofing the home.

“Presenter Maurice Beinat will discuss draughts and heat leakage and how these are a major source of inefficiency in home heating and cooling,” Cr Makin said.

“By sealing the sites of the draughts, comfort can be improved and money saved by reducing heating and cooling costs,” Cr Makin said.

“Maurice will discuss a range of products available to eliminate draughts and there will be plenty of time for questions,” Cr Makin said.

The second SLS community meeting will be held on Thursday 11 March, addressing lighting and insulation. The meeting will discuss options for residents interested in power efficient lighting and insulation alternatives.

Both sessions run from 7.30 to 9.30pm with a gold coin donation.

To book or find out more, phone SLS Project Worker Christine Easdown or Sue McDermott on 9876 3421, or email


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