Maroondah Journal: Athletes rejoice at Keystone revamp

The Maroondah Journal has reported on the revamp of Keystone Hall in Croydon, providing facilities for a range of community groups, including the Croydon Little Athletics Centre and Croydon U3A.

The works include an improved courtyard, new office space and toilets, three 3000-litre water tanks, refurbished kitchen and kiosk and upgrades to the hall’s facade and surrounds. They were unveiled last Friday by Mayor Alex Makin and Deakin MP Mike Symon.

The project was made possible due to $150,000 in funding from Maroondah City Council, with matched funding from the Federal Government. In addition, the Town Park Committee of Management contributed $6000.

“These works are the product of a solid partnership between the council, the Federal Government Town Park Committee of Management and Croydon Little Athletics Centre. This is great news for hall users, who I’m sure will enjoy the revamped facilities on offer.”

The revamp of Keystone Hall demonstrates the positive outcomes that can be achieved when multiple levels of government work together with the community.


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