
Delegates’ Report: Annual General Meetings, Promoting Harmony and Recognising Achievements

February and March have both been busy months with the opening of new facilities, annual general meetings and awards.

On the 19th of February I had the pleasure of opening the revamped Keystone Hall, located in Croydon. The project, which received Council and Federal funding, is a multi-purpose facility that houses several groups, including Croydon Little Athletics and the Croydon U3A. The facility includes accessibility improvements, as well as sustainability initiatives, through the installation of water tanks.

On the 4th of March, the City of Maroondah was officially presented an Award for achieving the Highest Level of Community Engagement during Walktober. Walktober is an event held each October, whereby Councils, community groups and organisations are encouraged to organise walks to promote sustainable transport and community wellbeing.

I would like to extend my congratulations to Maroondah’s Leisure Services Department for working collaboratively with community groups and registering 55 walks during Walktober.

Further details will be presented during tonight’s agenda.

On the 9th of March I had the pleasure of opening Maroondah City Council’s International Women’s Day Breakfast. 2010 marks the Centenary of the Girl Guides and we had the privilege of hearing from two speakers from Girl Guides Victoria, including local Guide leader Billee Henry who spoke passionately about the organisation and the opportunities to provides its members.

On the 16th of March I had the honour of opening the Lighthouse Foundation’s Home for Mums and Bubs in Heathmont. The Home will provide a home for two homeless young mothers and their babies, providing a nurturing environment, combined with holistic support, counselling and education. I look forward to welcoming the residents of the home into the Maroondah community.

On the 17th of March I assisted in the preparations of the Ride2School program at Croydon West Primary. Ride2School is a program that aims to encourage walking and cycling and it was great to see so many students participating in the program.

The 18th of March saw the coming together of many organisations, including Maroondah Council, Eastern Regional Libraries, Centrelink, Department of Justice, Maroondah Police and Mission Australia to hold a festival marking Cultural Diversity Week and Harmony Day.

The event was held at the front of the Ringwood Library and saw the space come alive with songs, dance, story telling and face painting. Many members of our community participated in the festivities and it was fantastic to demonstrate the key message of Harmony Day, by showing that Everyone Belongs in Maroondah.

Lastly, on the 16th of March I attended the Central Ringwood Community Centre’s Annual General Meeting and the Annual General Meeting of Yarrunga Community Centre on the 17th. Both Community Centres, are overseen by a voluntary committee of management and it is great to see that they are both continuing to meet the needs of the wider community, through social groups, adult education and child services.


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