Speaking to the Fab 50s Social Group

The Fab 50s are a social group that meets at North Ringwood Community House.  The group aims to provide a social environment and alternates between off-site activities and meetings at the community house.

This morning I was invited as the guest speaker at the Fab 50s, where I discussed my involvement with the North Ringwood Community House and explained that due to the changes in the Local Government Act, I chose to resign from the committee of management, so that I could discuss matters affecting the community house within Council.

I also explained Council’s undertaking of the landowner assessment, which will begin to explore how the North Ringwood Community House could potentially exist as part of Norwood Reserve.  This initial assessment will consider the traffic and site implications, as well as discussions with the existing users. This initial assessment will help provide further details to assist in relocating North Ringwood Community House.

Given that many of the Fab 50s particiapnts live within the vicinity of Ringwood, I also discussed the importance of securing additional funding for the redevelopment of Ringwood Station.

While the State Government has announced funding for the redevelopment of the bus interchange and station forecourt, it is imperative that further funding is confirmed to ensure the creation of an integrated and accessible transport interchange.  Many of the Fab 50s participants retold their experiences with Ringwood Station and how they tend to avoid using the Station due to the steepness of the ramps and the lack of easy access.

Groups like the Fab 50s help promote social inclusion and reinforce how community houses assist in community development and empowering residents.


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