Maroondah Leader: Council push on demands

The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) is the peak body representing each local council across Australia.  Each year ALGA holds a national assembly, whereby Councils can submit and debate motions to help shape the priorities and advocacy undertaken by the organisation.

The City of Maroondah has proposed several motions consistent with the themes of population, productivity and participation, which are central to this year’s ALGA National Assembly:

That this National General Assembly calls on the Commonwealth Government to financially support the upgrade of infrastructure within large Metropolitan Activity Centres to cater for the increased population growth by 2050.

That this National General Assembly calls on the Commonwealth Government to ensure that any possible changes to the funding of health care services, particularly the area of Home and Community Care (HACC) and Maternal and Child Health services, does not impact on current funding arrangements with Local Government.

That this National General Assembly calls on both the State and Federal Governments to provide financial assistance for the roll out of Energy Efficient Street lighting.

The Maroondah Leader has reported on the motions proposed by the City of Maroondah:

Mayor Alex Makin said the council wanted to ensure that changes to the funding of health care services did not impact on current funding arrangements with local government.
Many Victorian councils deliver home and community care, as well as maternal and child services, Cr. Makin said. “The commonwealth must be alerted to the need to protect their financial interests and community wellbeing with any changes to the system.”

The Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly will be held in Canberra from the 14th to the 17th of June.


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