Transition Towns Maroondah Transport Group

Transition Towns is a community based movement that aims to empower communities to respond to the challenges of peak oil and climate change.

Transition Towns aims to promote thinking globally and acting locally, through localised groups. Maroondah has a transition towns organisation that has established several working groups exploring strategies in developing a future that is resilient to climate change and peak oil.

This morning I met with the transport working group of Transition Towns Maroondah to discuss how council and the group can work together in promoting sustainable forms of transport.

Transport is Australia’s fastest growing source of greenhouse emissions and improvements to sustainable forms of transport, such as walking, cycling and public transport, are required to reduce car dependence and costs associated with the rising cost of petrol.

Transition Towns Maroondah aims to work collaboratively with Council and other community organisations to raise awareness and mitigate the challenges of climate change and peak oil.


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