Tour of library facilities

Part of the vision for the Ringwood Central Activities District is a new Library as part of the town centre, which will provide an opportunity to create new community and civic space within the centre of Ringwood. Several Libraries have been redeveloped over the past few years and as a result I joined the Council in a tour of other facilities to explore the options that may exist for Ringwood.

The tour included the Hume Global Learning Centre and the Watergardens Library, both of which were redeveloped within their respective town centres.  The Hume Global Learning Centre provides a range of community facilities, including meeting space, computer rooms, as well as council service areas and the Library.  The Centre is impressive and demonstrates the positive outcomes that can be achieved through integrating a Library with civic space.  The Centre hosts a range of community activities and is highly utilised as a result.

Watergardens Library was redeveloped as part of the extension to Watergardens Shopping Centre and includes an open layout with computer facilities and dedicated learning and meeting areas.  Like Hume, the Library is well utilised and fulfils a role in providing meeting space for the community.

Both Centres provided valuable feedback in regard to the possibilities that exist for Ringwood.  The redevelopment of the Ringwood Library will be accompanied with a new town square and it is imperative that Council takes this opportunity to deliver new community space for Ringwood during this time.


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