Media Release: Main Street mosaics add a splash of colour

A collection of unique mosaic pavers designed by local VCAL students from Swinburne TAFE were unveiled by Mayor of Maroondah, Councillor Alex Makin on Tuesday 22 June.

Funded by a Maroondah Council Arts and Cultural Grant and a brainchild of Croydon Main St Traders Association, the mosaics will be placed at the northern end of Main Street at the corner of Coolstore Road and Main Street.

Mayor of Maroondah, Councillor Alex Makin said that the students worked closely with a local community artist to create the colourful mosaics that will help to beautify Main Street, Croydon.

“What started out as a project to encourage students to respect cultural works while enhancing their self esteem has turned in to an art piece that can be appreciated by the whole community,” Cr Makin said.

“This is the second collection of mosaic pavers that have been laid in Main Street, with the first patch laid in February this year,” said Cr Makin.

The mosaics are laid onto individual concrete pavers that were constructed by the building department students at Swinburne Tafe.

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